Back when I first signed up for myspace I wanted to so something cool. So I came up with something I called My daily words of wisdom. I didn't want to use other peoples words of wisdome so I made up my own. Everyday I would post them in a bulletin. After a while of doing this I started to think it was pretty pretentious and stopped. The other day I was going through my old word documents while procrastinating and found them all. I reread them and thought some were ok and some were stupid lol. I figured I would share them here and free them from the abyss of my hardrive. And now for your reading pleasure Daily words of wisdom by D. Funches, Esq
If the only time people listen to you is when you’re talking then you’re fucking up. Think about it. ~D. Funches, Esq
The road to failure is a silent one. The road to success is full of discussion and congress. ~D. Funches, Esq
A lot of the time the hardest part of doing something is deciding what to do. ~D. Funches, Esq
A life uninspired is a life devoid of the energetic colors that round our eye lids, and the thick excitement that we breathe out our mouths. ~D. Funches, Esq
The hand extended to help you isn’t always the help you need. ~ D. Funches, Esq
To find success in life you must first define what success is to you. ~D. Funches, Esq
If we don't fix it today it will still be broke tomorrow. Think about the kids and fix some shit in your life. ~D. Funches, Esq
Nothing is more inpatient than time. ~D. Funches, Esq
I wouldn't suggest making something that could be taken from you your reason for living. It just doesn't seem to smart. But I guess you can do whatever you want. ~D. Funches, Esq
Listen to your Gut and your heart. Because your mind will talk you out of a good thing 89% of the time. ~D. Funches, Esq
Don’t let your tragedies define you. Instead let them become monuments of your strength. After all you are still here. ~ D. Funches, Esq
Happiness can be found anywhere you look for it. ~D. Funches, Esq
There was once a man shot himself in the head because no one believed he was capable of doing it and he wanted to prove them wrong. Don't be like him he wasn't very smart. ~D. Funches, Esq
No one knows what’s best for you like you do. Regardless of what they might tell you. ~D. Funches, Esq
If I don't stink and you do, then you smell worst than me. Think about it ~ D. Funches, Esq
Every one talks a good game, but only a few are actually willing to go out and play. ~D. Funches, Esq
Your inspiration is looking for you. ~D. Funches, Esq
Q: What do you do when no one can see your vision and even the people you love the most doubt you?
A: Stay true to your plan and don't start doubting yourself. They will only believe in you if you believe in yourself. ~ D. Funches, Esq
People say whatever they want when nobody's listening, but it takes a leader's courage to speak when you know you will be heard. ~ D. Funches, Esq
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