Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I owe the library over thirty bucks
So about a week ago when I really wanted to read something new the library wasn't an option it would just be cheaper to buy a new book. I check amazon for something I would like and came across Neil Gaiman's award winning American Gods. I was some what familiar with Neil's work I read the first volume of Sandman which I liked and I saw stardust which I also liked plus the premise of the book was very interesting so I bought it. It started off pretty good and did a good job at asking questions that kept me curious as to what was going on. Then about two hundred and fifty pages in I realized I was bored out of my mind with this book. It had gotten really stupid and the characters stopped being interesting along time ago. There was a good idea in there it just was being executed poorly. I keep trying to continue reading it in hopes it gets better but I can't. This made me wonder how the hell did this win an award? I keep thinking about an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark? where this kid was being hunted down by characters of all these books he started and didn't finish. Maybe I was to impressionable as a child or maybe it's the fact that I want to write books one day, but I find it really disrespectful to start a book and not finish it. ...I don't know why I started writing this blog anymore...awww man that sucks.....oh well...uummmmmm....shesh. I guess the moral of the story is I need to pay my library fee so I don't have to waste my money on stupid books that force me into some self proposed moral dilemma about does judging a book I started before I finish it with no intentions on finishing it make me a bad person are not

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Oh, man, and here I was thinking I was the only nerd out there on financial suspension from the library. I owe 24 bucks and some change. I've yet to have $24 to burn, so I just switched from LBC libraries to LAC libraries. hahaha. Oh that, and/or reading books while at Borders/B&N, and trading books with friends.
I totally judge books before I'm finished. I used to feel obligated to finish my plate, a book, or a movie, but no longer. IMO, the onus is on the chef, author, director/actors to create something that I WANT to finish. If I don't, then either it wasn't for me, or they didn't do their job right. There are too many great dishes, books, movies out there to drudge through crap.
You are so SMART for switching counties! Like genius level smart! That's what I'm doing as soon as I get a chance. I wish I could trade with friends but most of my friends don't read and the ones who do read parnormal romance, regular romance or those black sex books...none of those are my thing.
And I hear you on what you said about they should make you want to finish...I never thought about it like that before but that's pretty true....by the way if you want a book to borrow you can borrow American Gods from me. lol
Hahaha. Thanks. I like to pride myself on my library fine-avoidance skills.
Dope. Yeah, I'd like to check that out. Well, maybe in a month or so. I just checked out 5 books from the Library, plus a friend lent me 3 books, plus I got some free magazines from my school library. So I'm knee deep in reading material.
Nonetheless, if you are into cultural type books, biographies, and/or novels, I've got something for ya.
what's it called?
That's just what most of my books are comprised of. I wasn't speaking of a specific one.
My boy bought American Gods from me last year for Christmas and I couldn't get very far into it with out stopping either. You seem like you are a fellow comic / art type, check out World War Z. It's about the zombie apocalypse as told to a reporter by survivors. Great book!
I'll check that out because I was looking for a good book to pick up after finals...I was thinking about Dan Simmons The crook factory...but that sounds cool to I might get both....If you like stuff like that there is a fun little book I read once called old man's war...you should check it out...it's pretty fun sci fi
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