Sunday, June 28, 2009

Spontaneous human combustion!!!

When I was younger I was scared to death that of spontaneous human combustion. The thought that there was a possibility that I could be somewhere cold chilling,minding my business and just burst into flames without warning scared the shit out of me. (I was also scared of that one nigh ball lightning would float through one of the walls of my house and chase me down like some heat seeking missile and electrocute me till I died.) I don't know maybe I watched to much unsolved mysteries but these were real legitimate fears to me when I was younger. It wasn't until middle school when did some research and found out that spontaneous combustion most likely didn't even really exist that I was able to stop worrying about it. What a relief that was, it was like a great big weight was surgically removed from the inside of my head. Now fast forward to present day. I'm walking to my car getting ready to leave my house and my neighbor who I love so dearly stops me and ask me if I could do her a favor. Oh course I would. She told me her husband was recently diagnosed with cancer and she had been talking him to the doctor everyday for treatment but it's going to be difficult for her to take him on Wednesdays because of some classes she was taking and asked if I could take him for her. I knew he had cancer because my mom had told me this maybe a day before but it was still very sad. I told her of course I would after all i love spending time with him anyway he's one of those really smart and wise older men who speaks with dignity and refinement that everything sounds important...almost like James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman. Wednesday comes along and were driving along and he is telling me all about his chemo, his radiation treatment and his diet changes. Then he told me about how amazingly efficient the hospital was with dealing with all the patients and how it reminded him of being a part on an assembly line. When we got there I was what he meant. As soon as we walked in the building we stood in line. When we got to the front he gave the lady at the desk his name and she typed some shit in the computer and we hoped on the elevator. When we got to the next floor he told me about a class he was taking on adult learning behaviors and not very long after he started they called his name over the intercom. He excused himself and I looked through a stack of magazines until I found one with an article about the guy who wrote the very hungry caterpillar. Fifteen minutes later he emerges from the door and we hopped back on the elevator. This time we went to the lab where he stood in line for a number and I watched the tv hanging from the ceiling talk about glow in the dark puppies. When he got his number he sat next to me but neither one of us talked this time because this waiting room was more crowded. They eventual called his number and he came out so quick I thought he forgot something, but I guess it doesn't take long to draw blood. After that we left.
The Next Wednesday he didn't tell me but when I got to his house to get him he was already gone. The Wednesday after that she showed up a little early to make sure i could still take him. Which I could. On the car ride up this time I noticed his mood was alot darker. He told me the week before a friend form his mens group wanted to take him so he let him. I said that was fine. I didn't mind. Then he was quiet for a bit then he started to tell me about a conversation he had with his long time friend on the phone that morning. I don't remember it verbatim but in short he said they were talking about his cancer and how much of a shock it was to him. How he lived what he felt was a pretty healthy life and didn't really smoke or drink heavily yadda yadda yadda. Then his friend says something like "I feel like we all (talking about their whole group of friends) will get cancer if we live long enough." As he said this the lightning flashed and the thunder sounded in my mind. I never realized it but I felt the same way. In my subconscious I always felt like dying of old age was the same as dying from cancer. At that moment I felt almost ashamed of myself. I told my neighbor that i felt that way too for so long and never thought about it. Maybe it was because most of the old people I knew died that way or it happened to them that I just figured it inevitable. Then in his made for t.v. voice he said "Well let's hope thats not the case. I would like to think that one should be able to enjoy their old age and their retirement. Do things like go fishing, and take trips without being bound to daily treatment and hospitals." And at that moment I felt it again., another great big weight was surgically removed from my head and this time I didn't even know it was there. I had been walking around with a fear of spontaneous human cancer all this time and had no clue. "you know what all the doctors I saw asked me when I was diagnosed?" He continued. "They asked me how I lived my life? did I take care of myself. And it's funny because before all this nobody was asking me anything like that. So my advice to you is make sure you take the best care of yourself and your body because nobody is going to tell you to do it, but when something goes wrong everyone will ask 'why you didn't'." I was relived to be giving a possible alternative of the morbid picture of growing old I painted myself. Dying of old age didn't exactly have to be the same as dying of cancer. I a felt pressure knowing that I had to change the way I lived my life if I was going to seize it. I don't live to bad now. I try to live healthy but mostly in terms of extremes like no smoking, drugs or excessive drinking. No wild unprotected sex with random women, no staring into the sun while wearing 3D glasses that kind of stuff. But I don't exercise enough I eat to much fast food, my diet isn't balanced and this stuff matters too. We had a very interesting and enlightening conversation about life health and getting older. on the ride up and the rest of the trip went pretty much as the one before it. And every Wednesday after that a different person from his mens group has been taking him so I haven't needed to, But I really enjoyed our conversations and had a really good time the two days I did take him and kind of wish we could do it again. it's funny because as i write that I'm like wait a minute the dude live two houses over I could go talk to him whenever LOL that's funny I guess it just wouldn't be that same that way though

Monday, June 8, 2009

I used to think I was Confucius

Back when I first signed up for myspace I wanted to so something cool. So I came up with something I called My daily words of wisdom. I didn't want to use other peoples words of wisdome so I made up my own. Everyday I would post them in a bulletin. After a while of doing this I started to think it was pretty pretentious and stopped. The other day I was going through my old word documents while procrastinating and found them all. I reread them and thought some were ok and some were stupid lol. I figured I would share them here and free them from the abyss of my hardrive. And now for your reading pleasure Daily words of wisdom by D. Funches, Esq

If the only time people listen to you is when you’re talking then you’re fucking up. Think about it. ~D. Funches, Esq

The road to failure is a silent one. The road to success is full of discussion and congress. ~D. Funches, Esq

A lot of the time the hardest part of doing something is deciding what to do. ~D. Funches, Esq

A life uninspired is a life devoid of the energetic colors that round our eye lids, and the thick excitement that we breathe out our mouths. ~D. Funches, Esq

The hand extended to help you isn’t always the help you need. ~ D. Funches, Esq

To find success in life you must first define what success is to you. ~D. Funches, Esq

If we don't fix it today it will still be broke tomorrow. Think about the kids and fix some shit in your life. ~D. Funches, Esq

Nothing is more inpatient than time. ~D. Funches, Esq

I wouldn't suggest making something that could be taken from you your reason for living. It just doesn't seem to smart. But I guess you can do whatever you want. ~D. Funches, Esq

Listen to your Gut and your heart. Because your mind will talk you out of a good thing 89% of the time. ~D. Funches, Esq

Don’t let your tragedies define you. Instead let them become monuments of your strength. After all you are still here. ~ D. Funches, Esq

Happiness can be found anywhere you look for it. ~D. Funches, Esq

There was once a man shot himself in the head because no one believed he was capable of doing it and he wanted to prove them wrong. Don't be like him he wasn't very smart. ~D. Funches, Esq

No one knows what’s best for you like you do. Regardless of what they might tell you. ~D. Funches, Esq

If I don't stink and you do, then you smell worst than me. Think about it ~ D. Funches, Esq

Every one talks a good game, but only a few are actually willing to go out and play. ~D. Funches, Esq

Your inspiration is looking for you. ~D. Funches, Esq

Q: What do you do when no one can see your vision and even the people you love the most doubt you?
A: Stay true to your plan and don't start doubting yourself. They will only believe in you if you believe in yourself. ~ D. Funches, Esq

People say whatever they want when nobody's listening, but it takes a leader's courage to speak when you know you will be heard. ~ D. Funches, Esq

I guess I'm just thinking out loud

I have a couple of friends who DJ. Yesterday one of them needed to use my which recording studio. At first I told him "No" because after the Great Chrystal Meth Choke and Punch Debacle I was forced to put it disassemble everything and didn't feel like hooking everything back up and then breaking it all back down. But he really needed the favor or he was going to have to cancel his job for the night so I told him to come by. When he showed up we went and tried to hook it up and I couldn't find some important hardware...(which was really expensive too) so I couldn't do it. He left and I was left looking at all my old equipment and supplies. I hadn't thought about that stuff really since everything went bad. I guess I just blocked it all from my mind or more honestly neglected to think about it all. There was all the recording equipment, not to mention the silk screen machine and everything that goes with that contraption. I even found a big bad of T-shirts I forgot we bought. Looking at all this stuff reminded me of all the stuff I've been ignoring and neglecting, the people, the duties, the equipment. I have a bunch of friends who I haven't talked to in so long and I realized yesterday that I miss them. I have some phone calls to make and a letter to write. I am glad this is the last week of school because that will give me the time to get things back together and on track with my company.

Honestly this break from entrepreneurship has been pretty relieving and eye opening. For the first time since I was seventeen I had a chance to think about my life in terms of my life and not my company. It was honestly all I thought about. I didn't even know what I wanted out of life outside of it. Now I had a chance to think about what made me happy and what I wanted to do in life besides work on my company goals. I guess I'm saying my identity was so tied up in my company that it had become who I was and now I had a chance to develop myself instead of my company. not to mention if felt good to not having the stress of managing all sorts of things at once. All I had to do was worry about going to school and trying to make money. as stressful as those two things can be it felt like a break compared to what I was used to.

So now that school is out we are getting back to business but we already talked about how it's going to be different this time. After going and failing you gain so much more experience and a new perspective. I can see things that were not right the first time that will be fixed this time around and I'm really excited. I've always believed that quiting was the easiest way to ensure you never win. So there will be no quiting from me. Now that I'm writing this I am starting to see that best part about experiencing failure is it shows you that it doesn't end the world, and it doesn't last forever, it only last for a moment and after that it's over and it's time to try something goes on and it's not that bad all the time

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tetsuwan Atomu

I just got back from the store and have a million things I should be doing....but I'm wasting time sitting on youtube. Anyway I freaking love this theme song! I don't know which one I love more the Japanese version or the English one. I'm leaning towards the Japanese because The name Tetsuwan Atomu is the waaaaayy better than Astro Boy. Astro boy reminds me of Wonder Bread

Tetsuwan Atomu

Astro Boy

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Self tested pick me uppers you can do at home

Lately I've noticed that not just me but actually the majority of the people I know are going through it right now. Everybody's broke and everybody seems like they are borderline depressed. All my friends are extra moody and on edge so I decided to make a list of things to do when your feeling blue that are guaranteed to turn the frown upside down. (WARNING: Results may vary from person to person, happiness not guaranteed, if trying any of these activities makes you dizzy or gives you a penile erection for longer than 16hrs see your local physician, witch doctor or shaman for immediate consultation)
1. Get a sharpie and draw smiley faces on everything in a bottle or container example: condiments, shampoos, liquid soaps, bottled water so on and so forth. Don't just give them all the same face either. Think about what it is your giving a face to and let the way they smile be reflective of their personality. Like the salt shaker might have a sneaky little smile while the pepper shaker has a toothless grin. I can't explain why this works but there is something about walking into a room and having all your stuff smile at you that puts a smile that will lift your spirits every time you walk into that room.
Grand Forks, ND Pictures, Images and Photos
2. Find something you can follow weekly or monthly example a tv show, a book series that is pretty far into the series, or my favorite a comic book released monthly. Why this works is it gives you something to focus on that's not your problems and it all so give you something to treat yourself with, What better way to tell yourself I love you than a nice treat every week or month. Plus you get to spent time with yourself and not think about what's been bothering you. I suggest reading Fables it's my favorite monthly comic book and it's never delayed.
Fables Pictures, Images and Photos
3. I think this next only might only be for the artsy types but something that always make me feel better is to create something new. It could be art I made are something I wrote but it give me a sense of accomplishment that makes me feel worth a damn even at my lowest moments. "But what if I don't have any talent?" some poor talentless soul out there is asking themselves right now. My answer to that guy is who cares if it's good just finish it you still feel like you accomplished something.
4. Is a more mental one. Talk to yourself. Tell yourself things great things about yourself, give yourself compliments, and look in the mirror and say I love you. Yeah it might sound kind of shallow and conceited but if makes you feel good. You have to be your own friend.

One thing I have to remind myself of especially lately is that my feelings come from me if i am sad something made me sad and I wont be happy again until I allow myself to be. I have done everything on this list and it usually works for me granted even if only for a while.

Hey Bulldog Part 2

Not really but The Roots sampled the song bellow so I decided to put up their version too since The Roots are fucking awesome...oh and check out ?uestlove's T-shirt I want it

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey Bulldog

I watched this like fifty times in a row!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The final boss battle

I grew up a video game kid, that was how I rolled. Sure I went out side and played more than I played video games but when I was growing up video games were alot more repetitive. On top of that there were no memory cards, hard drives or Internet so unless you ripped the cheat page out of a game pro magazine or something you had to play the first level every time you decided to give it a go, which sucked. So water fights and hide and seek were alot more appealing back then.Yet and still they had a profound impact on me, and if I didn't find them highly addictive like some sort of mind numbing super crack I would still play them on a regular basis. Sometimes I feel sorry for kids these days. Video games are so cool now they make going out side to play seem really lame. These kids are going to grow up with no kind of imagination and no clue how much fun a game of freeze tag can be. Anyway I'm way off subject now. All this to say it's finals week, and I just realized how much reminds me of the last boss in a video game. Yeah initially you might think that's pretty dorky of me, but if you think about it I'm right. Everyday class are the levels full of little obstacles that you can take out easily no real challenge. Then you make it to the mid boss or in a school the Exam. Given you did everything you should have done in the level the boss should be difficult but beatable. After you defeat the boss you acquire his power which you will need to beat the next set of levels and the next mid boss. (this is the accumulation of knowledge in school) Rinse and repeat until you get to the Final boss who is ridiculously strong and you have to master and use everything you learned up to this point if you hope to come out victorious. The final boss being the final exam which is basically making you use everything you learned so far in order to pass....SEE I WAS RIGHT HUH!
thumbs up Pictures, Images and Photos
Hey thanks for the thumbs up of approval Hands of many white people!
Back to the point of this. So it's time for the final project for my digital photography class and we have to make a composite panorama photo that is at least 20 inches long. Now for the project before this I got chewed out because I had all these grand ideas for things to shoot but none of them worked out so after like three failures I was out of time and went down town and shot buildings and tried to call it a series. Well the teacher called me on my bullshit and even though my pictures came out nice she said it wasn't 'cohesive enough of an idea to be called a series.' which I actually understood and agreed with. Well I refused to let that happen again for the final project. This time I thought in terms of things I can actually shoot. First I thought about buying a bunch of piƱatas grazing in the grass while an angry mob with baseball bats approached for the distance with ill intentions. I thought it was a great idea but then it hit me that I would run into the same problems as the project before this one so I disregarded it..hopefully I'll get to do it one day though. The next idea I got was to cut all the pages out of a book and take their pictures in order one by one and line them up in chronological order then trace a map over them that would guide the reader through the structure of the story. But even though I like the concept I thought it might be visually boring plus the idea of cutting out hundreds of pages then taking hundreds of photos really turned me off...I'm thinking i still do this though but just when I have more time. What I wound up choosing was pretty cool I think not to mention doable.

I had this vision in my mind of a pretty woman in the bubble bath with candles like and rose petals everywhere. The typical romantic sexy set up...but with a catch she would be playing with bath toys like a kid! I thought the contrast of the environment and the action would be pretty funny. So I went to target and bought some bath toys (which are extremely overpriced!) and asked a friend to help, Luckily she said yes and the shoot went pretty well. Now comes the hard part, putting all the pieces together. At home I had photoshop CS2 which has a really lame photomerge option so I had to ...ehem "borrow" a version of cs4 from the Internet. Which took about two hours to download and then even after that it was a dud. So I had to download another and Bingo Bango it was a winner and only took about thirty minutes...go figure.

So when I was in class we went over how to use photomerge and it was fairly simple. All I had to do was click the files I wanted to merge together and photoshop is so "smart" it could do the rest. After that I go into my layer mask the the program so generously created for me fix the parts that don't make since crop off the wonky edges and wallah...all done. Well when I did it thats not what happened at all. I selected the photos to be merged and when photoshop put them was all fucked up...I had "borrowed" a stupid version of photoshop! I thought to myself "That's why it downloaded so fast." I played around with the thing till six in the morning trying all sorts of stuff and watching every tutorial I could find online until I "fuck it," and accepted defeat for the night/morning I decided I would try again after some sleep...(Just like I would do when I was younger and a boss was kicking my ass for too long!)

The next day it's the same problem but luckily for me I had the class that night so I could ask the ever so knowledgeable teacher for help which I did and received. The problem wasn't I downloaded a "special" versions of photoshop. She said t that the images were to similar and the program couldn't tell one from the other. "Oh" I said "that actually makes alot of sense." So she told me I was going to have to do it manually without the automated assistance of photomerge....whoopee...ya for me....I thought with a straight faced look of unexcited glee, and went back to my seat. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though, honestly it was pretty fun. Luckily I was saving as I went because half way through my computer crashed then froze. At the end of class I go to put my file on my flash drive (which is 4 gigs by the way) and it was too big waaaaay too big! It was like 560 Mb or something. The final boss had hit me with another devastating blow...but I dodged it with my skill this time. I decided to crop it down as small as i could make it and reduce my pixel size and BOOSH! it fit. The finals boss retreated from the screen and his minions are now starting to attack me. (Every final boss does this when he is getting his as kicked then he comes back with different patterns and stronger moves. After that it's over and you save the world or the princess or whatever it is your trying to save watch the boring credits at the end and stare at the screen with a grin for ten minutes) so I got my file home and thats where I am now. When it's finish I'll show it to the for now you can enjoy a picture I took form the shoot.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I owe the library over thirty bucks

So about a week ago when I really wanted to read something new the library wasn't an option it would just be cheaper to buy a new book. I check amazon for something I would like and came across Neil Gaiman's award winning American Gods. I was some what familiar with Neil's work I read the first volume of Sandman which I liked and I saw stardust which I also liked plus the premise of the book was very interesting so I bought it. It started off pretty good and did a good job at asking questions that kept me curious as to what was going on. Then about two hundred and fifty pages in I realized I was bored out of my mind with this book. It had gotten really stupid and the characters stopped being interesting along time ago. There was a good idea in there it just was being executed poorly. I keep trying to continue reading it in hopes it gets better but I can't. This made me wonder how the hell did this win an award? I keep thinking about an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark? where this kid was being hunted down by characters of all these books he started and didn't finish. Maybe I was to impressionable as a child or maybe it's the fact that I want to write books one day, but I find it really disrespectful to start a book and not finish it. ...I don't know why I started writing this blog anymore...awww man that sucks.....oh well...uummmmmm....shesh. I guess the moral of the story is I need to pay my library fee so I don't have to waste my money on stupid books that force me into some self proposed moral dilemma about does judging a book I started before I finish it with no intentions on finishing it make me a bad person are not
gods Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

List of 10 things I've never done that I think I would enjoy: Part !

1. Go fishing on a boat (like Hemingway's Old man and the Sea...but without the fucked up parts)
2.Ride a train across America in a Roomette with a window
3.Hunt a Buffalo ( Oregon trial made it seem like so much fun when I was younger)
4.Hot air balloon ride
5.Go on sesame street and count numbers with Count Von Count
6.Run a triathlon
7.Ice fishing with a Eskimo ( I just noticed I have three instances of animal cruelty on my list...thats pretty bad)
8.Host an ice cream social (do people still have those?)
9.Be a judge on a food network cake challenge
10.Sit in the audience on a "you are not the father" episode of Maury

Please be my prisoner

So I went to the movies and saw UP tonight and I left feeling not only happy but amazed as well. Digital 3d is pretty incredible, and what I really liked about watching this movie in 3d was they didn't throw shit at the screen the whole time to show it off. Pixar has a strange way of making cartoons that are better than most live action movies and they constantly make me happy they exist. I know it sounds like I'm super on Pixars nut sack but I'm not. I just really am happy I spent $15.50 on a movie and don't regret it...that really says alot when your as broke as I am

The Soapbox Racer of Circuit de la Sarthe

I had to delete all my old blogs because of a project I'm a part of (that I'm really excited about!) which it gave me an opportunity to start a whole new blog (which I'm really excited about!). I'm pretty sure this will just be a hodgepodge of all the stuff running through my head examples: stories from my life, short stories I totally make up, art I create, and random ideas and things that interest me. Sounds like fun huh! Why do I call this post The Soapbox Racer of Circuit de la Sarthe you might be wondering....well...ummm...I thought that would be funny if there was actually a soapbox racer of Circuit de la Sarthe which is a the home of the 24hr Le Mans auto race in France if you don't know what that is may I suggest to you a great movie by Steve Mcqueen called....dun dun da duuunnnn! LE MANS net filx it you will like it