So Superman is handling business on new Krypton and Mon-el recently freed from the phantom zone has taken his place..yadayadayada...if you read comics you already know this. It's not new news at all....but this IS new Mon-el's new costume and haircut. They made him look really Bitch made. He looks like a queer eye for the straight guy version of superman now.

His old costume wasn't the best but it was cool because it was old school and unique...which it seems like somebody trapped in the phantom zone would have when they got out.
This is his old look

I never really liked Mon-El, but this new look is just making me not like him even more. I hope Kal-El comes back soon or somebody kills this guy.
Yeah, this coustume is gay. The lines are good, minus the old school undies on top look, but the colors, particularly the blue, look horrible. And why is a wering a Superman "S"? On another note, why do they have a hero who's weakness is lead flying around America, any negro from the hood could put him down by just throwing a bullet at him. Wackness.
Yeah if lead is your kryptonite you have a big ass problem on your hands that shit is everywhere.You could kill him with paint! That's worse than Martian manhunter and his fire weekness.
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