I've watched the show for years. Am I a fan...sometimes. It makes me laugh every time I watch it even if its a rerun. So me saying sometimes isn't because I don't get the humor. It comes from the fact that usually the funniest parts have nothing to do with the plot the characters or anything at all. I'm talking about the disconnected super random flashback scenes. South park went all 50 cent on their asses a while back and "dissed" them by making a whole episode about this. I don't know if I noticed it before then, just like I didn't know if I notice Jay-z looking like Joe Camel before Ether, but I sure saw it after. That didn't stop me from watching the show but I did feel they had been exposed 20/20 style. So anyway all that to say this morning when I woke up I had all these homemade Family Guy jokes floating around in my head and I want to share them. So these are the things that Peter would say before the flash back begins
*This is more of a disaster than Miss Piggies senior prom.
*This is the gayest thing I've seen since that time I meet Tom Green on the bus.
*This reminds me of that time I went to hundred acre wood to get honey for my grandma.
*This is more racial backlash than at Mr.T's bar mitzvah
*This is worse than than that time we found the artist formerly known as prince's star-wars audition tapes
*I haven't been this hungry since I took that cross country road-trip with Philip Seymour Hoffman
*This is worse than the time the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles didn't have enough money to pay the pizza guy
*I haven't been this happy since that time I beat Fred Astaire in the high school talent show
*This is the biggest cover-up since the M&M mascots killed the Skittles mascots
*I haven't been this embarrassed since that time I had to pull over and ask for directions to Sesame Street
LOL I can do this all day! Maybe one day I'll make a part two of this entry
Oh and just because I couldn't resist here is a picture of Joe Camel