I'm not sleep so I decided to write something here it's been a while...so why not.
Lately I've been fascinated with Mnemonics. Soon I will have a super human memory. Im pretty excited about that. The name for this blog is a mnemonic for the word Rhythm and when I was thinking about a picture for this blog I did a image search of the word rhythm and this image came up and i thought wow that's pretty cool then I started searching all kinds of words that I don't have specific images associated with then and was intrigued by the things that came up...example I searched cognitive dissonance and there was a image of a marine in uniform holding an "end the war" protest sign. This topic of cognitive dissonance reminds me of a Facebook status I saw yesterday it said something like, "Should I be single and have fun or in a relationship and be on lockdown" this stood out to me particularly because of who it was from. Every status update she has made for the past two and a half months has said something like, "I'm so in love with my baby," or "I love my boyfriend so much" Every single last one it was annoying, but the first one to break the pattern was the aforementioned one about having fun or being on lockdown. The girl who im talking about isn't the brightest bulb in the box by far but her status made me think about all sorts of things... one of them was how single people me included every now and then have that inner conflict where we say "I want to be in a relationship because I'm unhappy with being single right now but if I was in a relationship it would make me unhappy eventually." I pretty much over simplified it right there but you get the point I hope. Not to talk about that too much because i feel the dynamics between romantic relationships and single versus committed are one of those things like religion as in you can talk and argue about it all day and night. But I will say that lately I have been feeling like I want to be in a relationship and that's a feeling that I haven't felt in a while. I miss certain things that come with having that comfort level with someone and being on the same page. But with that being said I still don't feel like I'm in a place where I would even feel comfortable trying to be in another serious committed relationship there are just to many things in my life that are not conducive to that lifestyle right now. That made me think of something we said in my screenplay class this week. We were talking about the movie Rocky and the differences from script to film. One of them was in the script the last words were Adrienne telling Rocky she loved him after he asked her where was her hat. In the film he still asked her where her hat was but the last line was him telling her he loved her too. Then the instructor went on and on about how it was better this way and it showed that after going the distance with Apollo Creed now Rocky loved himself enough to tell Adrienne that he loved her, something that he couldn't do before. Something else cool that this class has me doing (when I think about every creative writing class I've taking has made me do and I just never carried it me in my personal writing) or 30 free writing or as I now like the call them S.O.C warm up. S.O.C stands for Stream of Conscious. But doing this little 30 minute warm up helps me so much. Before when I would write creatively I would always start out writing pure crap and it got better as I went along then I would have to go back and rewrite the beginning, but now i know that is because my brain wasn't warmed up to creative activity and around the point where it started getting better is when the mental oven dings and my mind is ready to create. So now that I'm warming up it's so much easier to ease into the things i actually want to say instead of dancing around with alack of the right words forever. So tip for all you creative folk out there warming up is just as important to us as it is to an athlete. Oh And speaking of creative J.H Williams III's art in Detective comics has been maybe the most creative and amazing art I've seen in comics in a long time. It doesn't feel like looking at panels of story...it feels like looking at artwork. His layouts are so creative too he's doing his best work and it's inspirational. oh well the sun is up now I guess i should try and get some sleep if you read this whole entry you are a trooper and deserve a delicious cake or something